Federal Laboratory Consortium (1998-2004)
Regional Coordinator of Midwest Federal Laboratory Consortium (1998-2004)
President of Technology Transfer Society (2002)
Commonwealth of Kentucky, State of Ohio and City of Cincinnati Olympic 2012 Planning Committee, Environmental Subcommittee (2001-2002)
Chair, USEPA Cincinnati Human Resources Council (1993-1994)
Water Environment Federation Research Committee (1988-1992)
Chair, USEPA Pathogen Equivalency Committee (1985-1988)
American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Committee on Soil and Rock: Subcommittee for Geotechnics of Waste Management D-18 (1984-1985)
State of Maryland's Technical Science Panel (1988-1989)
Association of State and Territorial Health Risk Assessors (1988-1989)
Air and Waste Management Association TW-3 Municipal and Biomedical Solid Waste Committee (1988-1989)
State of Illinois Hazardous Waste Task Force (1983-1984)