EXPERIENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY RELATED ISSUES Green Buildings, Industrial Facility Siting, Clean Manufacturing and Multimedia Impacts
Over 25 years of experience with environmental sustainability including the development of tools for builders, developers and investors in evaluating, auditing and implementing better, cost-effective approaches to sustain the environment. Experience in risk assessment/risk management, pollution prevention/waste minimization, and associated regulations.
Successfully planned and implemented prototype environmental impacts and sustainable methodologies to determine if and how to site environmental technologies in commercial and residential settings for urban and rural settings. Approaches included: comprehensive multi-media, multi-pollutant methods to assess ambient air and water quality and land impacts using modeling approaches with field-validation; buy-in from city, state and federal agencies; conferring with citizens/community groups to assess advantages and disadvantages of the technology; public relations; and defining appropriate technologies.
Developed novel, innovative risk assessment/risk management tools for solving national and local major environmental issues including methods for landfill, incineration and ocean disposal of chemicals and microbial hazards; land application of biosolids; and site-specific assessments of urban and rural solid waste disposal plans.
Involved at a local level in environmental sustainability projects by serving on several high-level State Panels in Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland and Ohio; on community Councils such as Vice-Chair of the City of Cincinnati’s Environmental Advisory Council and assisted in the development of a solid waste recycling plan for a suburban Solid Waste Commission.
Developed agreements with several trade, non-profit, and industrial organizations such as the American Chemical Council, James Graham Brown Foundation, and Fortune 500 companies including General Electric, International Paper, Dupont, Ciba-Geigy, Genzyme, Procter and Gamble, and Eastman Chemical.
Future Enviroassets, LLC is a member of the:
Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR)
Smart Growth Network (SGN) of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
Select Publications and Presentations
Lichtenberg, J.J., J.A.Winter, C.I.Weber and L. Fradkin. (Eds.) 1988. Chemical and Biological Characterization of Municipal Sludges, Sediments, Dredge Spoils and Drilling Muds. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Special Technical Publication (STP) 976. Philadelphia.
Fradkin,L. and S. Barisas.1982. Waste Management Options for PCBs, presented at the 14th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, University of Maryland, June.
S. Barisas and L. Fradkin. 1982. Hazardous Waste and Materials Management Plan: A Case Study, Argonne National Laboratory Report, Energy and Environmental Systems, Report # TM-196, April.
Fradkin, L. and S. Barisas. 1982. Technologies for Treatment, Reuse, and Disposal of PCB Wastes, Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL-EES-TM-168. January.
Chiu, S.Y., D.Newson, S. Barisas, J. Humphrey, L. Fradkin and T. Surles. 1982. Technical Options for Management of Hazardous Wastes from Department of Energy Facilities. Argonne National Laboratory Report, Energy and Environmental Systems Report # TM-235, Argonne, IL, August.
Kremer,F., L. Fradkin and B.Broomfield 1982. Metals Recovery from Electroplating Wastewaters, presented at the 14th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, June 27-29, College Park, Maryland.
Fradkin, L., et al., 1985. Feasibility for Performing a Risk Assessment on Pathogens, Journal of Water Environment Federation 57 (12) 1183-1187, December.
Fradkin, L. 1985. Waste Management and Risk Assessment, presented at the University of Cincinnati Conference on Environmental Planning, April 12, Cincinnati, OH.
Lomnitz, E., R.J.F. Bruins, and L. Fradkin. 1985. Summary of Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents of Municipal Sludge: Methods and Results. US EPA Report for the Office of Water’s Office of Water Regulations and Standards. Washington D. C. August.
Bruins, R.J.F., L. Fradkin and E. Lomnitz. 1985. Preliminary Risk Assessment of Toxic Chemicals in Sewage Sludge, presented at the Society for Risk Analysis Conference. Washington D.C. October.
Fradkin, L. 1985. Waste Management and Risk Assessment, presented at the Conference on Emerging Issues in Environmental Analysis and Planning: Implications for Professional Education. Cincinnati, OH, April.
Bruins, R.J.F and L. Fradkin. 1986. What Analytical Methods Would Be Needed to Implement Risk-Based Criteria for Chemicals in Municipal Sludge, presented at the Symposium on Chemical and Biological Characterization of Municipal Sludges, Sediments, Dredge Spoils and Drilling Muds, May20-22, Cincinnati.
Fradkin, L. 1986, Risk Assessment Methodology for Pathogens by Sludge Disposal Options, presented at the Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the Ohio Water Pollution Control Conference, June 18-20, Columbus.
Scarpino, P.V., L. Fradkin and S.Clark.1986. Microbiological Risk Assessment for Land Application of Municipal Sludge, presented at the Second Annual Scientific Symposium. On Chemicals in the Environment: Problems and Prospects for the Ohio River Basin, Wheeling, West Virginia, November, 16-18.
Fradkin, L., D.H. Cleverly and R.J.F. Bruins. 1986. Report to Congress: Municipal Waste Combustion Study: Assessment of Health Risks Associated with Municipal Waste Combustion Emissions, USEPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC, EPA/530-SW-87-021g.
Fradkin, L. et al. 1986. Risk Assessment Methodology for Determining Groundwater Contamination from Landfilled Sludge, presented at the 1986 American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE) National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Cincinnati, OH, July 8-10.
Scarpino. P. V., L. Fradkin, N. Kowal , S. Clark et al. 1986. Microbiological Risk Assessment for Land Application of Municipal Sludge, presented at the U.S. EPA/ASTM Symposium on Chemical and Biological Characterization of Municipal Sludges, Sediments, Dredge Spoils and Drilling Muds, Cincinnati, May 20-22.
Dawson, G.W., C.J. English and L. Fradkin. 1986. The Regulation of Sludge Disposal through Application of Risk Assessment Techniques, presented at the U.S. EPA/ASTM Symposium on Chemical and Biological Characterization of Municipal Sludges, Sediments, Dredge Spoils and Drilling Muds, Cincinnati. May 20-22.
Fradkin, L. et al. 1986. Development of a Risk Assessment Methodology for Municipal Sludge Incineration, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Health and Environmental Assessment, ECAO-485, Cincinnati. February.
Fradkin, L. 1986. Development of a Qualitative Pathogen Risk Assessment Methodology for Municipal Sludge Landfilling. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Health and Environmental Assessment EPA/600/6-88-006. Washington D.C May.
Fradkin, L., Goyal,S.M., C. Gerba and P,V.Scarpino. 1986. Qualitative Pathogen Risk Assessment for Ocean Disposal of Municipal Sludge, Office of Health and Environmental Assessment, EPA/600/6-88/010, Washington DC, May.
Cleverly, D.H., R.G. Kellam, L. Fradkin et al. 1987. Methodology for the Assessment of Health Risks Associated with Multiple Pathway Exposure to Municipal Waste Combustor Emissions, presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Air and Waste Management Association Conference, June 21-26, New York.
Crumpler, E. and L.Fradkin. 1987. Risk Assessment in Development of Municipal Sludge Regulations under 405(d) of the Clean Water Act, presented at the Hazardous Material Research Institute National Conference: Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Sludge Management., Boston May 27-29.
Kremer,F.V. and L. Fradkin (Eds.). 1987. Recoverable Materials and Energy from Industrial Wastes, American Water Works Association, Washington,D .C. June.
Bruins, R.J.F. and L. Fradkin 1987. Risk Assessment Methodologies for Municipal Sludge Disposal Options, presented at the Hazardous Material Research Institute National Conference: Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Sludge Management, Boston, May 27-29.
Dawson, G.W., F.W. Bond and L. Fradkin. 1987. A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Water Quality Impacts from Municipal Waste Combustor Emissions, presented at the 80th Annual Air and Waste Management Association Conference, New York, June 22-26.
Fradkin, L., N. Kowal and P. Scarpino. 1987. Multi-Media Microbiological Risk Assessment for Municipal Wastewater Sludges, presented at the Hazardous Material Research Institute National Conference: Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Sludge Management, Boston, May 27-29.
Fradkin, L. et al. 1987. Screening Methodology for Assessment of Potential Health Effects from Municipal Sludge Incinerators, International Journal Air Pollution Control and Hazardous Waste Management 37(4), April.
Fradkin, L. 1988.Multimedia, Multipollutant Field Study to Establish Levels of Toxic Contaminants in Air, Soil, Sediment, Water and Agricultural Products from a Model Municipal Waste Combustor, presented at the Sixth Annual Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry: Chemistry and Source Apportionment in Ambient and Indoor Atmosphere. June 27-29, Provo, Utah.
McGinnis, P., L. Fradkin et al.1988. A Preliminary Risk Assessment Methodology for Indirect Exposure to Municipal Waste Combustor Emissions, presented at the 29th. Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Dallas, TX February 19.
Fradkin,L. 1988. Developing Risk Assessment for Sludge, presented at the Cooperative Approach to Sludge Management Workshop. September 28-29 Eatonville, Washington
McGinnis, P., L. Fradkin, R.J. F. Bruins, D. Cleverly et al. 1988. A Preliminary Risk Assessment Methodology for Indirect Exposure to Municipal Waste Combustor Emissions. The Toxicologist (8)1: (Abstr. 1034), 259.
Fradkin, L 1988. Mutagenicity Tests for Specific Sources: Municipal Waste Combustion, presented at the National Symposium on Use of Biological Tests in Evaluation of Ambient Hazardous Air Pollutants: Implications for Regulatory Agencies. Clean Air Association of Northeast States, Princeton, New Jersey.
Fradkin, L 1988. Pathogen Risk Assessment Feasibility Study, Office of Health and Environmental Assessment EPA/600/S6-86/003. May. Washington DC.
Fradkin, L. et al. 1989. Human Health Effects Assays: Fate and Effects of Pollutants, Journal of Water Environment Federation 61 (6) 1072-1079.
Fradkin, L. 1989.U.S.EPA’s Municipal Waste Combustion Risk Assessment Methodology, presented at the International Conference on Municipal Waste Combustion, April 11-14, Hollywood, Florida.
Fradkin, L.1989. Municipal Wastewater Sludge: The Potential Health Impacts of Common Pathogens, Journal of Environmental Health 51 (3) 148-152. January/February.
Fradkin, L., 1989. Preliminary Risk Assessment of the Rutland, Vermont Municipal Waste Combustor, presented at the Air and Waste Association Symposium, Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants, May 2-5, Raleigh, NC.
Harless, R. L., R.G. Lewis, D. D. McDaniel, A.E. Dupuy and L. Fradkin. 1989. Ambient Air Monitoring and Analysis for Chlorinated Dibenzo-P- Dioxins and Dibenzofurans, presented at the Air and Waste Association Symposium Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants, May 2-5, Raleigh, NC.
Fradkin, L. 1989. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Right –to-Know, presented at the Center for Disease Control (CDC), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Right to Know Conference. Xavier University. Cincinnati
Fradkin,L. 1989.Residuals Disinfection: Microbiological Risk Assessment for Sludge Reuse and Disposal Options, presented at the American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation Joint Residuals Management Specialty Conference. August 13-16. San Diego.
McGinnis,P.M., M.A.Fragge, D.Basu, D.A.Gray and Fradkin. 1989. Performing Site- Specific Risk Assessment Field Evaluations: Lessons Learned. In: Municipal Solid Waste Technology Conference Proceedings, Volume 1, U.S. Conference of Mayors, January 30- February 1, San Diego, CA.
Fradkin,L. et al.1990. Chapter 6: Assessing the Risks of Incineration of Municipal Solid Waste: The Development and Application of a Methodology. In: Health Effects of Municipal Waste Incineration eds. C.C.Travis and H.A. Hattemer-Fray, pp.115-130. CRC Press.
Scarpino, P.V. L. Fradkin, S. Clark and N Kowal. 1997. Risk Assessment Methodology for Pathogens by Sludge Disposal Options, presented at the World Conference of Hazardous Waste, Budapest, Hungary July 27.
Fradkin, L. 2001. Risk Assessment Methodologies for Pesticide Management Workshop at the International Center for Water Resources Management. May 23,Wilberforce, Ohio.
Contact Future Enviroassets, LLC:
Email lf@futureenviroassets.com
Telephone: (513) 349-3844
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