Over 25 years experience on global warming related issues from fossil fuels to alternative energy and regulatory issues associated with the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and state and local compliance.
· Evaluated impact of global warming/climate change for a major international real estate firm.
· Advised an investment management firm on the trends for climate change and global warming.
· Structured a market plan for a major utility on commercial photovoltaic (PV) for rooftop and land-owned companies to add green power to its portfolio of power generation assets.
· Evaluated the solar water heating market worldwide for a major investment firm including the industry trends, key players, and supply/demand situation.
· Advised investment analyst on the regulations pertaining to the alternative energy sector in China particularly solar and wind energy sector and the applicable policies/regulations influencing the industry.
· Developed carbon footprint for a Silicon Valley venture capital firm.
· Evaluated existing and emerging technologies and processes in biomass fuels (plant, animal and industrial waste) for a company.
· Prepared trend analysis report on global warming and energy-efficiency for large public investment firm.
· Developed report on renewable energy technologies for a London investment firm.
· Prepared investment background information and recommendations for a private equity firm investing in environmental services industry to manage utility wastes.
· Provided consulting to a major investment firm analyzing companies in the nuclear waste clean-up business.
· Provided due diligence for a European specialty chemical manufacturer investigating opportunities to enter specific marketplace based on existing, pending and projected environmental regulations.
· Served on a Fortune 500 company steering committee on the selection of energy and environmental technologies and their implementation.
· Evaluated impact of carbon trade proposals by European Union and United States for an airline company.
Education: M.S. Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, 1979 Research on use of biotreatment of industrial wastes, producing methane gas for energy.
Future Enviroassets, LLC is a Project Network Member of Methane to Markets Partnership: Member of Four Subcommittees - Coal; Oil and Gas; Agriculture; and Landfill Gas
Experience Served as Program Manager at U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratory for several major energy and environmental systems projects including: biofuels and biogas; coal and alternative coal technologies such as coal gasification and coal liquefaction; solid and hazardous waste treatment, reuse and disposal.
Developed innovative methodology for multimedia assessments of impacts from combustion sources that were used to develop national policy guidance and regulations.
Founded the National Environmental Technology (NET) Incubator by creating a unique public-private partnership among State, public, private and academic organizations. This was one of only a few technology incubators dedicated to green, clean technologies. Companies in energy, material and process efficiency as well as remediation and recycling were successfully “graduated”.
Developed feasibility analysis on use of biotreatment processes for treatment and energy production for a major agricultural corporation.
Served as chair of the nation’s first Pathogen Equivalency Committee providing technical assistance to proprietors and permitting authorities to ensure pathogen reduction for consideration in beneficial reuse of wastes.
Worked on emissions control with a number of trade groups including: the Petroleum Environmental Research Foundation (12 oil companies); the American Bakers Association; the Environmental Research and Education Foundation; the Institute of Clean Air Companies (50 vendors) in the development of a high-efficiency filtration system; and Edison Electric, Electric Power Research Institute and eight utilities on controlling non-road mobile sources.
Select Publications/Presentations:
Fradkin, L. 1988. Multimedia, Multipollutant Field Study to Establish Levels of Toxic Contaminants in Air, Soil, Sediment, Water and Agricultural Products from a Model Municipal Waste Combustor, presented at the Sixth Annual Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry: Chemistry and Source Apportionment in Ambient and Indoor Atmosphere. June 27-29, Provo, Utah.
Fradkin, L .and F.V. Kremer. 1985. Health and Safety Hazards in Synfuel Technologies, Journal of Energy Progress 5 (1) 45-47, American Institute of Chemical Engineers. New York.
Fradkin, L, S. Barisas and D. Streets. 1983. Regulatory Impact of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act on Energy Facilities, Argonne National Laboratory Report, ANL/EES-TM-216, Argonne, IL January.
Fradkin,L. and S.Y. Chiu. 1983. Analysis of Waste Oil Re-refining Technology Options, Argonne National Laboratory Report, Argonne, IL March.
S.Y. Chiu, S. Barisas, L. Fradkin and T.Surles. 1983. Coal Gasification Waste Disposal – The Impact of Regulation. Journal of Environmental Progress 2 (1) 1-7. February.
Kremer, F. B. Broomfield and L. Fradkin.1983. Energy and Materials Recovery from Industrial Wastewaters. Argonne National Laboratory, Report prepared for the Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Renewable Energy, Office of Industrial Programs #ANL/CNSV-44. November.
Fradkin,L. and S. Barisas. 1982. Identification of Data Gaps and Research Needs for Synfuel Technology Solid Wastes. Argonne National Laboratory Report, Energy and Environmental Systems, #TM-191. March.
Fradkin, L., T. Surles and V. DeCarlo. 1981. Solid and Hazardous Energy Wastes: Synfuels I. Review of Research Activities, Argonne National Laboratory Report, Energy and Environmental Systems #ANL/EES-TM-142 May.
Chiu,S., S. Barisas and L. Fradkin. 1981. Impacts of Regulation on the Disposal of Solid Wastes from Coal Gasification, presented at the Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November.
Fradkin, L. and F. Kremer.1980. Use of a Chrome Tannery Solid Waste for Improving Anaerobic Digestion, Presented at the 35th Purdue University Industrial Waste Conference, May 11-14, West Lafayette, IN.
Kremer, F. and L. Fradkin. 1980. Bioconversion of an Industrial Waste to Methane Gas. 3rd. Miami International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, December 15-17th. Miami, FL.
Fradkin, L. and F. Kremer.1980. Bacterial Adaptation to an Industrial Wastewater, presented at the Institute of Gas Technology’s Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Wastes, Jan. 26-30. Lake Buena Vista, FL.
Bertram, K., P. Dauzvardis, L. Fradkin and T.Surles, 1980, An Overview of the Coal Transportation Concerns, Argonne National Laboratory Transportation Energy Systems Report # TM-99.
Chiu,S.Y., L. Fradkin et al.,1980. Problems Associated with Solid Wastes from Energy Systems. Argonne National Laboratory Report Energy and Environmental Systems ANL/EES-TM-118. September.
Kremer, F and L. Fradkin. 1979. Acclimation of Anaerobic Digesters to Industrial Wastes with the Addition of Metals Without Loss of Methane Production, Proceedings of the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Optimization of Water and Wastewater Management for Municipal and Industrial Applications Conf. December 10-13, New Orleans, LA.
(513) 349-3844
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